About Us
Our Aims & Ethos
Our Aim: To inspire the pursuit of excellence in all areas of learning and achievement for children of primary age.
Our Ethos: We seek to provide all children with a breadth and depth of learning opportunities in order to realise individual aspirations and potential.
Encouraging a breadth of educational challenge and inspiration, within and beyond the taught curriculum.
Pro-actively supporting the recruitment and appointment of inspirational leaders.
Supporting for leadership teams through the appointment to multi-academy trust boards of exceptional trustees and governors nominated by the Trust.
Fair admission procedures that ensure access, inclusion and equality of opportunity. The Trust will consider support for any school compatible with the Trust’s Ethos, provided that a majority of pupils are not selected on a basis of faith (or a similar selective criterion).
Promoting a broad and balanced curriculum beyond the National Curriculum core subjects of the primary stage.
Outdoor activity in the natural environment with a diversity of physical challenges, including planned and managed risk taking.
An appropriate range of internal assessment and pupil performance procedures that measure pupil progress and outcomes.
Community engagement, by working with children, parents, staff, local residents and others, such as allowing some access to school facilities outside the school day.
An extended day with timetabled after-school enrichment provision. The Trust wants to encourage initiatives such as breakfast clubs to support working families.
We Promote our Aims & Ethos through:
Temple Grove Schools Trust
Registered Charity No. 307016
© 2024 Temple Grove Schools Trust