About our Partnerships
Skinners' Academies Trust
The Skinners’ Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust of 4 secondary and 2 primary academies in Kent and London.
Many of its schools are in areas with historically poor educational opportunities, which Skinners aims to transform. The trust has high aspirations for the quality of education it can offer every one of its students, and the inclusive, supportive culture it can build for them.
Temple Grove Academy started as Sherwood Park Community School in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. It was a school failing its community. In 2012, the Temple Grove Schools Trust sponsored its conversion into a primary academy under the name Temple Grove Academy, raising its performance from Ofsted “Special Measures” to “Good” in 2019. Set in 6 acres of grounds, the academy added a Forest School, available to the wider community, and recognising the Temple Grove ethos of promoting outdoor activity in the natural environment with a diversity of physical challenge.
The Temple Grove trustees wished to secure the long-term future of their primary academy and were pleased to enter into a partnership with Skinners, under which Temple Grove Academy joined the Skinners’ Academies Trust under the leadership of Skinners’ Senior Executive Leader Ian Anderson in September 2024.
Temple Grove and Skinners collaborate on educational initiatives. Temple Grove continues to fund after-school provision at Temple Grove Academy and Skinners’ Academies Trust will participate in the Temple Grove Farmington Teacher Scholarships programme.

Temple Grove Schools Trust
Registered Charity No. 307016
© 2024 Temple Grove Schools Trust